“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Anyone who knows me well, knows that Lord of the Rings is a large portion of my life. Today, I received an email from one of my close friends that had this quote attached to it. Obviously, I saw the name Tolkien and my eyes jumped immediately to that line. But, then as I read it, and reread it, I realized that this is so applicable to my life right now.
As a second semester senior, life has begun to twist and shout in crazy, emotionally draining, yet not entirely undesirable ways. School work is wrapping up, and the "lasts" have begun. Last semester, last spring break, last last last....the list continues. I try my best to not keep track of these things.
However, this school year has been a strange one. Where I started in August is completely different from where I am now. At the beginning of my senior year career, I spent my time visibly frustrated by the amount of school work I had chosen to take on, along with increased responsibilities at work and just a new feel to school, especially as a commuter. I vented out these frustrations by planning exotic weekend events with my friends. Sometime in October/November, it hit me hard that I had very limited time left at this school that I had learned to call home and I was not using it well or at all wisely.
I examined where I was and then I realized I could use the time given me much more productively.
This is when transition hit me hardcore. I began to change, but a lot of people close to me were either not at the point where they wanted to change, or they were headed down a different path than I was. Each person must choose their own way, and as each person is inherently unique, their paths likewise were and are completely unique. However, change is difficult. It's not easy to start new habits, break old ones, try new things, meet new people, and just drop the things that are dragging you down.
I began to attend chapel more regularly. While in Africa, I had been told by two very influential companions in the semester program with me who also attended Trinity, that chapel was one thing they would miss most about Trinity. Chapel happened to be positioned in a time slot that just always worked well for a nap for me, and just the idea of chapel never really got me going. However, in their honor, I decided to try going. It wasn't immediate, but after a few weeks there, I began to understand why they loved it so much. It's uplifting, yet thought provoking and there are continual messages stating that change on our campus is a must. Being in a time of change, I related and wanted to be part of it.
When approached in October/November by a now close friend to help him start a Men's Ministry on campus, I could not believe how clearly God had just spoken to me. This particular person and I had shared maybe one conversation before and I really only knew his name, but he approached me anyway to see if I wanted to do this. Talk about a God send. You just can't persuade me to believe that in this time of desiring a burning change on campus, that I was presented with an opportunity to do that completely out of coincidence. God knew how to fuel that fire, and he did.
Now in the last semester here, I continue to have that desire to change/influence this campus in my remaining and quickly dwindling days left here. I find that it's very difficult to inspire change when the person who is pushing the change, only just acquired this passion. It is evident to me that some don't accept or respect what I have to say because until very recently, I did the stereotypical college life, so why should any freshman who hears these stories listen to what I have to say. I can't blame them. My past consists of my choices, and I can't say that I regret what I did, it led me to where I am now. It strengthens my testimony and gives me the motivation to keep going.
Speaking of motivation, all of my seniors out there, and all past seniors can fully appreciate the motivation that is required as you fill out job app after job app. To everyone out there who is currently doing that, know that hard work pays off. Whether it pays off today, tomorrow, next year or much later on when you land that job that is just going to rock, know that God's got your back in all of this.
I can't help but smile as the end of my college career approaches. Through all of the crazy, tough times, I have made it through with an incredible support group that continues to grow. They challenge me to do things out of my comfort zone and they build me up when I'm down in the valleys. Find those people who will support you, and make sure to keep them close by.
My dear friend Caleb Copeland, who is on an incredible journey of his own has started a project for clean water. His burning passion to help all of God's creation shows visibly as he goes about his day to day life and he wants to provide a village in Africa with clean water as they work for development in countries such as Kenya, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Uganda and others throughout Africa. Whether you choose to give or not, I would ask that you look at this page and pass it on to others that you know.
Let us continue to build each other up and inspire change where change is needed.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Galatians 6:9-10 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
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