Monday 19 May 2014

Life as we know it

As countless Facebook statuses and Instagram pictures have shown, the class of 2014 has graduated from Trinity. Although none of this has actually hit me yet, I know that when I move to Madison in a couple weeks it will be clear as day that I'm not going back to Trinland. A variety of thoughts accompany that statement. But overall, I'm quite thankful.

My personality is that of a floater. I really value my close quality friends and I keep them nearby for everything, but I also enjoy getting to know just about anyone. Due to that lifestyle, I develop friendships with people all across the board and I absolutely love it. However, that made this past weekend hard. I know I'll continue to see my close friends after graduation at weddings and just hanging out in general. But those friends that aren't in my group and that I've just met through random experiences will be harder to see. That's tough. But I know each of these people are going off to do amazingly awesome things. I'm stoked for each of them.

Life as we know it is an adventure full of the craziest twists and turns. This past weekend provided joy, sadness, nervousness, excitement, relief and many other emotions. But why be sad when you can be glad? I'm going to take on life's roller coaster ride just like I would take on a real roller coaster: with joy. God's going to keep each of us on the track, so why not enjoy the ride knowing that you will end up at the station to disembark into complete paradise at the end of life's ride.

God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Over and out.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Club 11 Happenings. The end of an era.

"Nine companions. So be it. You shall be the fellowship of the ring."-Elrond

This year, nine of us chose to live in a house together in good old unincorporated Palos Heights. Although many of us knew each other really well, some of us had almost no prior experiences with each other. This created for an interesting experience, but we can all agree that it was full of highs and a few lows. In all honesty, there is no ring in what I'm going to be writing about, however, it could be renamed, 'the fellowship of the house' or something along those lines. 

At the beginning of the year, I wrote a bit about my housemates and what they were up to. Now, nearing the end of our time in the house, I just want to show some appreciation of who these guys are as people and how they have shaped me. 

Andrew Mulder

Mr. Mulder is just a wonderful soul, and I know everyone who knows him can attest to that. He is one of the easiest people to live with and his heart is in the right place. He will be graduating in May and will stick around the area probably working somewhere downtown in those huge buildings that all hold people with suits and ties and briefcases and coffee. Turns out some of my friends are going to be super professional, that's pretty cool. 

Ben De Young 

Mr. De Young is the goofiest goober of our house. Everyone in the room will inevitably be laughing when Ben speaks, does some impersonation or makes fun of himself. This kid is also tying the knot with his fiance this coming July, working his butt off to land an awesome job in a police force and manage his time now that college has ended for him. Keep your eyes peeled people, he might be the next person to pull you over, so drive the speed limit....or don't, your choice. 

Brandon Doorn

Mr. Doorn has quickly become someone who I will miss a lot when our time finally ends. He likes all the same shows I do and I can strike up a conversation with him on literally anything. He also will graduate in May, and as an accountant, had an internship this past semester which has been a fantastic experience for him. So we can chalk up another suit and tie professional on my list of housemates. He will be sticking around the area as well. 

Calob Lostutter

Mr. Lostutter may be the most unique individual that I know, in the best way possible. Living in the same room with him as been an excellent experience and I'm really that I got to know him during this past school year. Mr. Lostutter has been working as a fiber optics engineer, so if you know what that is, cool...if you don't, then you are in the same boat as I am. He will probably stick around the area and he will walk with all of us in May as well. I cannot wait to see where his life will take him. 

Colin Ebels

Mr. Ebels has been a great friend for a long time now. His quick retorts to any comment can have me doubled over in laughter, and even though I barely see him anymore, I will miss his commentary on life issues. He graduated in December and is also a criminal justice student. For now he is working in the area, but I'm excited to see him land a job in his field. If Ben doesn't pull you over, then maybe Colin will. Either way, I'm really stoked for my law enforcement friends and the exciting things in their future. 

Josh Pollema

Mr. Pollema is quite possibly the most fit person I have ever met. His passion is Cross Fit and I am so proud of his intense dedication, and as long as he doesn't completely kill himself doing something insane, I support him in his insane ventures with physical fitness. He is a teacher who graduated in December, and although he is teaching around here for now, I wouldn't be surprised if he moves away to teach at a Christian school, because that is what he wants to do. 

Matt Meyer

Mr. Meyer moved out of our house in December. In no way did I drop him as a roommate in my mind thought. He is part of our house, and shows it by visiting every once in a while. He is a wonderful person, who I really only got to know better this year, and I'm quite thankful for that opportunity. He is our third and final accountant from the house and has a job at his dad's company. He works long hours and has completely grown up into his professional career. Crazy

Ryan Busscher

Mr. Busscher is another friend that goes way back. He graduated in December and had a job in the area working looooong hours doing intense labor things. He has since landed a job in Indianapolis and has up and moved down there and seems to be doing well. He is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. I honestly couldn't think of a better place for him, so even though he is no longer around at all, I'm excited for what lies ahead for him.

Those are my guys. Praise the Lord that each one of them has employment for after graduation. To say that all nine of us have something right after we graduate is incredibly rare and I couldn't be more happy for each one of them. All of us are headed in completely different directions, some staying in the area, and others are moving away, but I know wherever they all end up, they will be a blessing to all who surround them. However, I can't even stop there with bragging about people around me. Here's a few more :)

Caleb Copeland: He's going to student teach in China next year. Like what. I couldn't be happier for him. 
Jessica Wiltjer: She's going to teach English in Peru for half a year. She's going to do so well at it and change lives.
My nursing friends: They are so close to being done with this intense schooling and then they will be on their way saving lives. So stoked for them and all their hard work put in.
Tyler Minnesma: Comes back from Kenya, lands a job in Wisconsin, plans to travel around the midwest for a month, graduate from Calvin, live at an archaeological dig for a summer in Jordan and then come back and work. What a goon. Love it.
Joseph Keller: He is teaching at Rehobeth in New Mexico next year!!! Ahhhhh!!
Gina Ciametti: She nailed her first year as an admissions counselor at Trinity and this school is so blessed to have her.
My Highland Girls: Kristin, Courtney, Tina, Cat, Ellie, Christina and Betsy all have huge things coming up for them in their different fields and all of them are going to go so far.
Cassie Winters: "Hi, my name is Cassie and I'm just going to go live in Togo, Africa for the summer." Like how stinking cool is that. She is on fire for God.
Brad VanderVelde: He already has an internship downtown lined up for next spring! Next stinking spring! He's on top of his game. 
Dara Veenstra: She's finishing the school year and then going to walk across the entire country of Spain. So that's pretty normal and everything...

In all honesty, the list could just keep going. These are all people in my life who have greatly impacted me, and each has provided support to me and to others in ways they don't even realize. By being faithful servants of our Creator, they have been completely blessed with these amazing opportunities to go out and spread the good news. I can't help but smile as I think about where God is leading each of the people in my life. 

Also, got a bunch of weddings this summer, so huge shoutout to my way too many friends who are getting married. Love you all. 

Although my time is ending in my house, I just look back and smile, I couldn't be more thankful.

"Here at last, on the shores of the sea... comes the end of our Fellowship." Gandalf

Peace and blessings

Saturday 12 April 2014

Ready to do something Epic

"I wanna live like there's no tomorrow, love like I'm on borrowed time, It's good to be alive" Jason Gray

"Tonight, I want all of you tonight, give me everything tonight cuz we might not get tomorrow, let's do it tonight" Pitbull

Both of these songs talk about living your life like it's the last day you will be on earth. However, the underlying messages could not be more different. In Pitbull's song, the listener is encouraged to go out and do some crazy things, party hard, hook up with a stranger, just live like tomorrow is the end. Essentially, go out with a bang.

Whether that appeals to you or not, it is an utterly hopeless view on life. The end is here so let's just go hard and do whatever we want, because tomorrow it's all irrelevant. It kind of reminds of the "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die". It is the view that this life is all that there is. There is no hope for after death.

Mr. Gray on the other hand, views life a little more positively. He starts at the basics, just being thankful for life. He also acknowledges that life may end tomorrow, but he wants to do something more than just live in selfishly simple and temporary desires, he wants to make a change. The line that really hits me is "love like I'm on borrowed time". This life is not our own, but belongs to the Father, who created us, and then sent his Son to save us. So, in all honesty, we are on borrowed time.

It's like being at work. When you clock in at work, you are now on your boss' time, not on your own. While you are working, you are under the company's time, and as a representative of the company, you want to put your best foot forward and work your hardest. Well, we are clocked in under God's time from the moment we open our eyes at birth, to the moment He chooses to shut them.

In other words, we must be constantly working for the Lord. Colossians 3:23 says, " Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not human masters." I ask that we, especially as Christians, examine that verse more closely, and then look over our own lives and ask ourselves if this is really what we do. I would then ask, that we think about that and at the same time, consider that, as both of these songs pointed out, life could end at any moment.

Recently, I heard a fellow student speak about the temperamental state that our lives are in. People die before their time every day. And one of these days, it will affect someone close to each of our lives. As I thought over my past experiences with death, I can see this to be true and it suddenly hit me so hard that there are people close to me that do not believe. What am I doing, sitting here on my butt, when we are called to go make disciples of every nation, bringing new brothers and sisters into the kingdom. As I went into one of my rants and started spewing words about how I'm not doing enough to evangelize, a friend helped me realize that it is all in God's plan. This is true, all that we can do, is take advantage of every opportunity that we have to spread the gospel. Not that this is easy obviously, but it's all about being open and inviting others into our lives and just being vulnerable. It's not like you can walk up to a complete stranger and spill the whole gospel and expect them to convert right there on the spot, as cool as that would be. No, we are called to love, and love like we are on borrowed time.

Now my challenge here, would be to live fully in the place at which you are currently. Live in the moment, loving all around you and reaching out by being a friend. Sometimes that can make all of the difference. Seek out opportunities to do something epic for the kingdom of God.

As a senior, I see this as a huge opportunity. I recently got a job at a company called Epic, they do hospital software worldwide and just really cool things. Now, as exciting as that is, it is also incredibly nerve racking. I'm moving out on my own and will be with all new people. HELLO. Like what better opportunity could I ask for to be exactly what I have just been writing about. I can't wait to go out and meet new people and have new opportunities to be a witness, whether in word or deed or both. I hope that all of my seniors out there find the strength to go out to their new places and do something epic for God. Everyone else can as well. Let's all do epic things.

What a blessing life truly is. I decided that in order to write this, I needed to be out doors. So I lugged this ancient lazy boy chair that we have outside and placed it in our driveway. The sun, the wind, the occasional passing car and most of all just the peace of knowing that I have today to live, to breathe, to enjoy is enough for me.

Life is an adventure, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Take it, make it awesome and all for God's glory.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Transition Time

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Fellowship of the Ring

Anyone who knows me well, knows that Lord of the Rings is a large portion of my life. Today, I received an email from one of my close friends that had this quote attached to it. Obviously, I saw the name Tolkien and my eyes jumped immediately to that line. But, then as I read it, and reread it, I realized that this is so applicable to my life right now.

As a second semester senior, life has begun to twist and shout in crazy, emotionally draining, yet not entirely undesirable ways. School work is wrapping up, and the "lasts" have begun. Last semester, last spring break, last last last....the list continues. I try my best to not keep track of these things. 

However, this school year has been a strange one. Where I started in August is completely different from where I am now. At the beginning of my senior year career, I spent my time visibly frustrated by the amount of school work I had chosen to take on, along with increased responsibilities at work and just a new feel to school, especially as a commuter. I vented out these frustrations by planning exotic weekend events with my friends. Sometime in October/November, it hit me hard that I had very limited time left at this school that I had learned to call home and I was not using it well or at all wisely.

I examined where I was and then I realized I could use the time given me much more productively.

This is when transition hit me hardcore. I began to change, but a lot of people close to me were either not at the point where they wanted to change, or they were headed down a different path than I was. Each person must choose their own way, and as each person is inherently unique, their paths likewise were and are completely unique. However, change is difficult. It's not easy to start new habits, break old ones, try new things, meet new people, and just drop the things that are dragging you down. 

I began to attend chapel more regularly. While in Africa, I had been told by two very influential companions in the semester program with me who also attended Trinity, that chapel was one thing they would miss most about Trinity. Chapel happened to be positioned in a time slot that just always worked well for a nap for me, and just the idea of chapel never really got me going. However, in their honor, I decided to try going. It wasn't immediate, but after a few weeks there, I began to understand why they loved it so much. It's uplifting, yet thought provoking and there are continual messages stating that change on our campus is a must. Being in a time of change, I related and wanted to be part of it.

When approached in October/November by a now close friend to help him start a Men's Ministry on campus, I could not believe how clearly God had just spoken to me. This particular person and I had shared maybe one conversation before and I really only knew his name, but he approached me anyway to see if I wanted to do this. Talk about a God send. You just can't persuade me to believe that in this time of desiring a burning change on campus, that I was presented with an opportunity to do that completely out of coincidence. God knew how to fuel that fire, and he did.

Now in the last semester here, I continue to have that desire to change/influence this campus in my remaining and quickly dwindling days left here. I find that it's very difficult to inspire change when the person who is pushing the change, only just acquired this passion. It is evident to me that some don't accept or respect what I have to say because until very recently, I did the stereotypical college life, so why should any freshman who hears these stories listen to what I have to say. I can't blame them. My past consists of my choices, and I can't say that I regret what I did, it led me to where I am now. It strengthens my testimony and gives me the motivation to keep going. 

Speaking of motivation, all of my seniors out there, and all past seniors can fully appreciate the motivation that is required as you fill out job app after job app. To everyone out there who is currently doing that, know that hard work pays off. Whether it pays off today, tomorrow, next year or much later on when you land that job that is just going to rock, know that God's got your back in all of this. 

I can't help but smile as the end of my college career approaches. Through all of the crazy, tough times, I have made it through with an incredible support group that continues to grow. They challenge me to do things out of my comfort zone and they build me up when I'm down in the valleys. Find those people who will support you, and make sure to keep them close by.

My dear friend Caleb Copeland, who is on an incredible journey of his own has started a project for clean water. His burning passion to help all of God's creation shows visibly as he goes about his day to day life and he wants to provide a village in Africa with clean water as they work for development in countries such as Kenya, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Uganda and others throughout Africa. Whether you choose to give or not, I would ask that you look at this page and pass it on to others that you know.

Let us continue to build each other up and inspire change where change is needed.  

 "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”  

Galatians 6:9-10 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Saturday 15 February 2014

It's Okay to be Single

Everyone: Hey! What are you doing for Valentines day???!!!
Me: Probably going to fill out some job applications and watch Lord of the Rings.
Everyone: By yourself???
Me: Yea.

Que look of pity. Every time.

No I didn't have a date for Valentines day. And believe it or not, I'm fine with that. I have so many friends who did have dates with their significant others yesterday, and I was so happy for them and am still happy for them! They got to spoil their girlfriends or fiances or wives or whatever. The thing is, some day I will be doing that too. And will continue to do it for the rest of my life with that one lucky lady who gets the incredible privilege of marrying the stud that is me. :)

On my valentines day, I worked, went to class and hung out with tons of people that I normally do not see. In some cases I had never really interacted with them at all. I laughed, and kept laughing at stories, situations, jokes, and just random things that so many different people did. I also had a long heart to heart with a friend over a pair of shamrock shakes. I couldn't have asked for a better night.

Sure it didn't involve flowers, a nice meal, candy, and everything else that people associate with the 14th of February, but it did involve a variety of people and a constant smile on my face.

God isn't fooling around with any of us who are single! He's waiting for a moment that makes sense in His plan to bring forth that new person into your life. I'm excited, you should be too. So many people feel like they are behind if they don't have a date in college. Chill out, enjoy what you have right now and constantly keep your eyes open. It's coming, I'm not even worried.

Last thought: Why do we hype up Valentines day so much? When I have a girlfriend and money (so that might be a while), I'm gonna want to make her feel special every day of the year, not just one. Every day should be Valentines Day.

Peacing out for now. (As I write this, the Fellowship has been journeying through the mines of Moria!)

Thursday 9 January 2014

All Talk

Every year, thousands of people make New Year's resolutions, to improve some part of their lives or be a better person somehow. Why is it that so many of them fail? Why is it that we make these rash promises to ourselves and others but then fail to follow through with them? Going to the gym once, maybe twice but then becoming too busy. Dropping sweets out of your life, until the cookie platter appears and suddenly you are three or four deep. Talking about people less, except that one kid, cuz he/she deserves it.

Yesterday I saw the movie the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. First off, please go see it. Second, take something out of the theater that maybe wasn't there before. What I got was that we have one life to live, and if we want to make a difference, to change the circumstances, then we have to be willing to step outside and make a change. So, as cliche as this is, what better time than a new year? Take it as you will, this is just a list of simple things that we could all do, maybe it will make a difference. I want to try them anyway.

1. Put the phone away while people are around. Or at least while people are talking to you...remember people want to talk WITH you, not AT a non listening you. I'm guilty too, whether it's my grandma, a friend, or a complete stranger. That text will still be there after the person walks away, twitter isn't going away. But your friend might..

2. Update your resume instead of your status. I don't know about you, but I'm more likely to get a job from my resume than my facebook statuses. But in reverse, a status could also hurt your chances of getting a job.

3. Set your alarm for ten minutes earlier and have some time with our Lord. This time might answer some questions about your life.

4. Drink in less gossip. It does nothing good for anyone, and I'm probably more guilty of it than anyone. If you are going to drink something, drink water, or tea, or coffee. No gossip, no pop.

5. Make a new friend. Or 8. Sit at a different table at lunch! Say hello to more than just your friends.

6. Sign up for a race. You won't want to look like a dead rat at a race, so it will motivate you to run!

7. Save money for a trip somewhere. There is so much to see in this world.

8. Put cinnamon in applesauce. It's just better.

9. Listen always, talk sometimes.

10. When you do talk, make sure you can uphold all that you say. No more rash promises.

This isn't some motivational speech, many of these things I have seen on the Internet. Most are things that we have been taught for years. But what if we actually DID these things. The world could be that much cooler.

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life."

Thursday 19 December 2013

Shoutouts and Salutations

Family friend: Jake how are you doing?
Me: Well, I'm still recovering from the mess that was this semester but it's Christmas break, so I'm ecstatic.
Family friend: That seems to be the reaction I'm getting from every college kid.
Me: Let's just say that all college kids are super stoked to be away from school for a bit.

We made it. It's now the middle of December and I'm sure that almost everyone is home or at least away from school. We've probably all caught up on our tv shows, slept in later than we have since summer and enjoyed some quality family time. In this free time that I have, I would like to throw out some thanks and congratulations for some wonderful people that have done some awesome things this past semester.

First off, I just got back from a quick getaway to Clearwater Florida. Right when exams finished, I hopped on a plane and went to go see three of my favorite teachers. Dan and Kayla Thayer graciously welcomed me into their home and fed me. Let's remember that they are on Christian school salary. So super thankful that they allowed me to crash their awesome little life for a bit and explore the beautiful area of Clearwater. I even got to be nostalgic for a day and relive my childhood at Disney's Magic Kingdom. Talk about feeling like a four year old. Wow. Also, thanks to Hannah Schaap for showing me the bright sides of their little town and for letting me buy the ice cream. These three are living the life, and I loved my few days down there.

Next shoutout goes to my graduates. Being in Florida, I missed the ceremony but so many of my classmates are now graduated, whether they walked across the stage on Saturday or not. Four of my eight housemates are now college graduates. How crazy is that?! Ben Deyoung and Colin Ebels are off to explore the world that is criminal justice. I hope and pray that they both can find jobs in good police forces quickly and start taking down the bad guys. Josh Pollema is a teacher. Like straight up showing kids how to do the Pythagorean Theorem. He has a job lined up for the spring and he is clearly where he needs to be. Ryan Busscher has a business degree in the area of management and although he does not have a job yet, he is going to end up running the entire world of garbage disposal on this planet with his skills in management and driving truck. Really proud of my roomies and how much they have accomplished, and I can't wait to see where they go from here.

Quick shoutout to another graduate friend of mine. Sarah Jongetjes graduated from the business department and this semester she became a close friend of mine as we had nearly every class together. Prayers for her as she heads back to Milwaukee to work for her dad doing cool things.

So you know how at a small Christian school, people up and get married? Yea, no exceptions here. 4 of my friends are now engaged as of this summer, with weddings all in this upcoming summer. Mr. Ben Deyoung not only graduated but he is also engaged to another friend of mine, Jenna Thomforde. Knew it was coming, called it ages ago...but I'm stoked for them. Also, Anna Hofman and Mark Timmerman, Danielle Smits and Nathaniel, and Adam Suwyn and Arielle. Proud of you all and excited for you all to start your lives together. Wedding season is the fun season. :)

Florida, graduation and engagements are the big ones, but I want to spotlight some other people that I'm thankful for and what they are doing.

-Andrew Mulder, Brandon Doorn and Matt Meyer: Accounting internships for the spring, getting paid big bucks to get all of our taxes together and what not.
-Calob Lostutter: Full time job doing fiber optics! Don't ask me what it is, I still don't know.
-My nursing friends: They are so close to being RN's.
-Girl's volleyball at Trinity: Nationals for the first time ever.
-Leah Laky got a job in Minnesota :)
-Tyler Minnesma and Luke Monsma are going back to Kenya this spring. I'm so excited for them.
-My brother is going to Haiti this January for Dordt.
-Lisa VanderMeiden is also going back to Haiti, specifically to Mission of Hope. She might as well move there!!! So stoked for her.
-Trinity's students in general: I've never met so many quality people in my entire life.
-Trinity's professors and staff: For how much we complain about work, they do a ton too, and they really want us to succeed in all that we do. Could not be more blessed by the professors that I interact with on a day to day basis.

The people that God has put in my life are doing absolutely amazing things and I love to see how God is working in each person that I know and love. This list is not exhaustive, so many things are happening every single day that are wonderful. I could throw so many pictures in here...I'll back off though.

The time we have in college is limited. Many of my friends these past few weeks went thru the time that I'm just going to label "the lasts". It's the last time that they eat in the caf, or sing at chapel, or go to a class as an undergraduate. Now, a few of them have moved on, to the next section of life. Thankfully, I don't have to do most of my goodbyes until May, but it's fast approaching, and as a senior, it's time to just be thankful for what these past years have taught me.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

Peace out friends,
