So the Steelers lost to the Bears last night. Thankfully I didn't get to watch the game, I was busy doing homework, I just got the final score and realized that at 0-3 now, the Steel Curtain has got some hardcore work to do if they want to at least function this year. That's my quick vent session because besides that, it's been a decent past few days.
So, Steelers, get your act together.
The beginning of last week was an outright disaster. Long days at school and in the library along with random other issues that I had not accounted for culminated in a lot of fast food runs and coffee in my hands all the time. However, last Tuesday evening when I was sitting in the library doing more homework and thinking to myself that I might actually be sick of McDoubles for once in my life, a friend came up to me and sat down by me. Thinking this was going to be a random distraction, I was super pleased for anything to talk about. But instead, he stopped by to inform me that some student at our school had been praying for me and wanted it to be kept anonymous, but just for me to know that people are praying for me and that people are willing to help even without me asking for it.
So, person out there, you are an amazingly awesome human being.
This past week taught me a ton about how I relate to people. There's a ton of relationships that need constant checking up on, possible mending, and continual building. I enjoy it. It's fun to be at different states of closeness with people and getting to know everyone better. It's rough at times, but at the end of the day, you still know who feel closest to. Now that is a true blessing.
So, friends and family, you be you and enjoy every second with those around you.
Now we get to the current status of my brain. I'm on overload of joy. I just saw my Kenya family, or at least the majority of them in Grand Rapids over the weekend. I could not be more thankful. We experienced a ton of culture, plenty of art pieces, the occasional game of mafia, too many cats, so many laughs and great conversations. When I'm with them I just want to travel the world again. They do too and we connect to each other on levels that not too many other people can.
So, pals in Grand Rapids, keep being cool and chase those dreams.
Speaking of Kenya, that country needs our prayers. Over the weekend, Westgate Mall in Nairobi which we frequently visited was attacked by Somali terrorists. The death toll reached has now reached 68 people and the situation is not completely under control yet. All attacks like this one are terrible and heartbreaking, but to look at those pictures and realize that we bought food from that mall and just walked around it on many occasions makes it much more real. Kenya is such a great nation, they will recover. It just stinks that people do things like this. I could never understand the reasoning behind these attacks, but what I can do is pray for these people, both the attackers and the victims and the whole nation.
So, Kenya, you are not forgotten, we love you.
Let us also remember the people of Pakistan. Over the weekend, two suicide bombers destroyed the front of a church and killed at least 85 people. We live in a broken world, but prayer is powerful.
So, people of Pakistan and all over the world, stay strong and preach the name of Jesus.
This morning, I called my credit card company with a question. It was 6am in Arizona when I called. The man who answered however was wide awake and extremely enthusiastic about everything. He not only answered my question but he asked me how I was doing, what my plans were for the day, how school was going and just talked to me about his life as well. I sat in my car on the phone with him for 20 minutes and I will say that started my Monday off on the right foot. Not everybody who answers a phone is angry, isn't that nice.
So, man in Arizona, I hope you have an amazing day.
So, readers, enjoy the warmish weather before it turns deathly cold and have a great day.
This is an awesome post. Except... GO BEARS!