Friday, 13 September 2013

Club 11 Happenings

Scene: Homework being done in my bedroom on this past Tuesday night.

*Door flies open*

 Calob: Guys stop doing your homework now.

 Us: Umm why?

 Calob: We are playing sardines with the lights off in the whole house.

 Us: Yes please.

 We then proceeded to play about an hour of very interesting sardines. When the lights are off in our house, it's almost impossible to see or find anything. The basement is not even fair. I was blind and groping in the dark, terrified that I was going to step on something or run into things. I ended up going through the floor with one of my feet on accident. However, all is well.

 What should have been a normal Tuesday night ended up being a goofy night of 5th grade fun. I'll take that over senior year of college homework any day. I completely love every minute I get to spend in 6107 W. 129th place. My roommates are the kind of friends that everyone wants to be friends with. But wait, does everybody know who they are? Lets do a quick bio.

 Andrew Mulder

 About: Senior in college, Accounting major, loves the Packers, anything Wisconsin goes, could go for a good game of golf any day, consistently calm even amongst all of our excessive drama, likes shoes.

 Movie Character: Jason Bourne

 Favorite Food: Burgers

 Ben DeYoung (Benny D, Bennyboo)

 About: Senior in college, Criminal Justice major, Chicago sports, music-both singing and instruments, complete goofball, great impressionist, abysmal cook.

 Movie Character: Batman

 Favorite Food: Pizza

 Brandon Doorn

 About: Senior in college, Accounting major, Packers, Texas, Cubs, so he's all over the board, knows every stat to everything, has a better kill to death ratio in Call of Duty than you do, Youth Group leader.

Movie Character: Gary Bertier

Favorite Food: Burgers

Calob Lostutter (Big Bear)

About: Senior in College, Chemistry and Psychology, he will save the world someday, compost nut, passionate juicer, tender heart, Lana Del Rey.

Movie Character: Harry Potter

Favorite Food: Hummus and Falafel

Colin Ebels (Twitch)

About: Senior in college, Criminal Justice and Sociology, Michigan sports, lights things on fire, twitches, has an analogy for everything.

Movie Character: Jack Sparrow

Favorite Food: Bacon Cheeseburger

Josh Pollema (JPAW)

About: Student Teacher, Math, Cross fit, he's huge, all sports all the time, protein, did I mention he's huge?

Movie Character: Wendy Peffercorn

Favorite Food: Eggs (protein ya know?)

Matt Meyer (Mattman)

About: Senior in college, Accounting, Chicago sports, working out, singing, he's a smart cookie.

Movie Character: Will Hunting

Favorite Food: BBQ chicken

(he's the one on the right)

Ryan Busscher

About: Senior in college, Management, Michigan sports, playing soccer, being bossy, Haiti, Harry Potter, gets me in trouble literally all of the time.

Movie Character: Mrs. Weasley

Favorite Food: Subway

Ok, so this is my house. These guys are some of the most solid people I have ever met. They are tons of fun and so rooted in their faith. The great thing is that all of my friends, not just my house are like this. The girls that we hangout with and the other add-ons to our friend group just make my life so much more joyous. Couldn't be more thankful.

On Wednesday night, Club 11 had a Bible study in our living room. We sat for a couple hours and just hashed it out. There's so many things to be thankful for and we can be praying for everybody and love unconditionally. Everybody has a story and behind each smiling face, there is baggage. Be kind to all and love without fail. That's what Club 11 wants to do, that's what we all want to do as Christians.

Today I just continue to be thankful for where I am in life. Thankful for family, for friends, for adventures, for fun, for school, for the desire to travel abroad, for the ability to use a computer to write a blogpost, to worship freely, to eat what I want, to wake up early and appreciate a little bit colder morning, just thankful.

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