Monday, 2 December 2013

Crunch Time

"How was your Thanksgiving?"

"Decent, but it was too full of homework and stress and way too short, you?"

"Yea, sounds about right."

We have reached that dreaded time that comes twice a year, once at the end of each semester: crunch time. Each teacher thinks that it is a wonderful idea to have every project, test, assignment, journal, doodle of a chipmunk, presentation and whatever else due in these next few days. Naturally, stress levels run high, unhealthy amounts of coffee are consumed, the library is full until closing each night, and review guides get passed around through email until everyone is studying from the same guide that the one smart kid in class made.

I find myself spending countless hours doing assignments that I find utterly useless and editing the same overly large paper so much that I might have the thing memorized by now....all 69 pages of it. School and I are not on the same page anymore. The two of us used to be tight and get along really well, but now I just find myself not interested, but it's clinging to me, as if it knows that I'll be done soon. 

I constantly find myself wishing I was other places. Anywhere but here. Sure, the people are great and I've had a riot during my years in college, but good gandhi the papers never end. It's like, why am I writing this paper when i could be doing something useful instead. And even the people, I've realized how much people can truly change. Some in good ways, some in not so good ways. However, it is so clear to me that God has placed me here for a reason. I am a student right now for a reason. The people who are in my life right now are there for a reason. Right now, I don't see or understand too many of those reasons, and it is beyond frustrating, but knowing that someday it will all make sense helps me breathe a sigh of relief: I don't have to understand everything that happens. God does, and he is just guiding down the right path. 

Besides all of that, who am I to wish away time. Years from now I will look back and cherish the times I had in college. The memories, both good and bad, the relationships, the classes, the professors, the cafeteria, random conversations that changed my path in college. All of this is stuff that I will so badly miss once I leave here. 

However, during this crunch time that I should be spending on homework, I have been thinking a lot about random things. Like why do I get so worked up about things that people do that are stupid? I answer myself.....because I care. Well sometimes caring is exhausting. But then, even as I type those words I immediately think about how God tells us over and over again to love unconditionally. Woof. Talk about something I need to work on....

On a lighter note, I just tried to use the bathroom in the dark in the library at school because the light refused to turn on. I was successful, but it took longer than it needed to and I felt like a complete fool.

Also, I ate more food than I thought possible this past Thursday, mad props to people who can make mean sweet potatoes. 

But mostly, it's just nice to know that the Big Man upstairs is always watching, and he's got each and every one of us covered on every level. And for that, I cannot complain, but simply say thank you. 

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