Thursday, 19 December 2013

Shoutouts and Salutations

Family friend: Jake how are you doing?
Me: Well, I'm still recovering from the mess that was this semester but it's Christmas break, so I'm ecstatic.
Family friend: That seems to be the reaction I'm getting from every college kid.
Me: Let's just say that all college kids are super stoked to be away from school for a bit.

We made it. It's now the middle of December and I'm sure that almost everyone is home or at least away from school. We've probably all caught up on our tv shows, slept in later than we have since summer and enjoyed some quality family time. In this free time that I have, I would like to throw out some thanks and congratulations for some wonderful people that have done some awesome things this past semester.

First off, I just got back from a quick getaway to Clearwater Florida. Right when exams finished, I hopped on a plane and went to go see three of my favorite teachers. Dan and Kayla Thayer graciously welcomed me into their home and fed me. Let's remember that they are on Christian school salary. So super thankful that they allowed me to crash their awesome little life for a bit and explore the beautiful area of Clearwater. I even got to be nostalgic for a day and relive my childhood at Disney's Magic Kingdom. Talk about feeling like a four year old. Wow. Also, thanks to Hannah Schaap for showing me the bright sides of their little town and for letting me buy the ice cream. These three are living the life, and I loved my few days down there.

Next shoutout goes to my graduates. Being in Florida, I missed the ceremony but so many of my classmates are now graduated, whether they walked across the stage on Saturday or not. Four of my eight housemates are now college graduates. How crazy is that?! Ben Deyoung and Colin Ebels are off to explore the world that is criminal justice. I hope and pray that they both can find jobs in good police forces quickly and start taking down the bad guys. Josh Pollema is a teacher. Like straight up showing kids how to do the Pythagorean Theorem. He has a job lined up for the spring and he is clearly where he needs to be. Ryan Busscher has a business degree in the area of management and although he does not have a job yet, he is going to end up running the entire world of garbage disposal on this planet with his skills in management and driving truck. Really proud of my roomies and how much they have accomplished, and I can't wait to see where they go from here.

Quick shoutout to another graduate friend of mine. Sarah Jongetjes graduated from the business department and this semester she became a close friend of mine as we had nearly every class together. Prayers for her as she heads back to Milwaukee to work for her dad doing cool things.

So you know how at a small Christian school, people up and get married? Yea, no exceptions here. 4 of my friends are now engaged as of this summer, with weddings all in this upcoming summer. Mr. Ben Deyoung not only graduated but he is also engaged to another friend of mine, Jenna Thomforde. Knew it was coming, called it ages ago...but I'm stoked for them. Also, Anna Hofman and Mark Timmerman, Danielle Smits and Nathaniel, and Adam Suwyn and Arielle. Proud of you all and excited for you all to start your lives together. Wedding season is the fun season. :)

Florida, graduation and engagements are the big ones, but I want to spotlight some other people that I'm thankful for and what they are doing.

-Andrew Mulder, Brandon Doorn and Matt Meyer: Accounting internships for the spring, getting paid big bucks to get all of our taxes together and what not.
-Calob Lostutter: Full time job doing fiber optics! Don't ask me what it is, I still don't know.
-My nursing friends: They are so close to being RN's.
-Girl's volleyball at Trinity: Nationals for the first time ever.
-Leah Laky got a job in Minnesota :)
-Tyler Minnesma and Luke Monsma are going back to Kenya this spring. I'm so excited for them.
-My brother is going to Haiti this January for Dordt.
-Lisa VanderMeiden is also going back to Haiti, specifically to Mission of Hope. She might as well move there!!! So stoked for her.
-Trinity's students in general: I've never met so many quality people in my entire life.
-Trinity's professors and staff: For how much we complain about work, they do a ton too, and they really want us to succeed in all that we do. Could not be more blessed by the professors that I interact with on a day to day basis.

The people that God has put in my life are doing absolutely amazing things and I love to see how God is working in each person that I know and love. This list is not exhaustive, so many things are happening every single day that are wonderful. I could throw so many pictures in here...I'll back off though.

The time we have in college is limited. Many of my friends these past few weeks went thru the time that I'm just going to label "the lasts". It's the last time that they eat in the caf, or sing at chapel, or go to a class as an undergraduate. Now, a few of them have moved on, to the next section of life. Thankfully, I don't have to do most of my goodbyes until May, but it's fast approaching, and as a senior, it's time to just be thankful for what these past years have taught me.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

Peace out friends,


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