Wednesday 30 October 2013

It does not envy

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13

A few weeks ago I blogged about patience. Turns out, 1 Corinthians 13 has a bunch of blog topics. These four verses right here have enough to keep me going until at least 2014. Right now, easily the most applicable to my life is right at the beginning.

"It does not envy"

I mean, that's not even a sentence by itself, that's part of a sentence in part of a verse. But those four words are sooooo powerful that yes, it deserved all of those extra o's. Let's be real, we all get envious of others around us and I'm by no means excluded from this. In fact, it's one of my biggest demons.

Honestly, I think it comes naturally when I have such talented family and friends. For instance, take my family. If you haven't met them, let me know, I'll make it happen. Four of the best people that I have ever come in contact with. My parents taught me all there is to know about life, so if you ever think I'm a good person, you can thank them because they did it all. My brothers also are the funniest people I know. Don't try to find me people who are funnier because you just won't.

My friends. You all have heard and seen me brag about them. They are all blessings from God. Each of them is living their dream, I see it every day. There's so many of my friends who I just want to hug every time I see them.

Now comes the envy. When you are surrounded by such great people of God, it's so easy to see how other people have been blessed in various ways. Some rock at sports, some are more musically talented than I thought possible, some can challenge me in unbelievable ways, others make me laugh to the point of tears....many are combinations of these characteristics.

But love does not envy. If I love these people, I can't be bitter or jealous for what they have. True love does not have bitterness attached to it. That's a flipping challenge if I've ever heard one.

However, I'm blessed in so many ways, it's unreal. Who am I to be envious of others. Each person has to pursue the life that God has set out for them, and the talents and blessings that they have just help them live a life more pleasing to God. How cool is that? We get to use our gifts to please God. I'll call that a win.

I'm not perfect. I'm going to be bitter and envious about things, I'm sure others struggle with it too, but I just remember that I'm surrounded by the coolest people I know, and they clearly see the potential in me. I see the potential in so many people, I cannot wait to see what God does in each of the lives that I'm close to. So next time you are jealous of someone else, just remember that God blessed that person with that for a reason, now they just have to use it to further the kingdom.

So screw envy.

However, I do think it is valid to be envious of somebody who owns an Alaskan Husky cuz dang those dogs are on point.

Peace and Blessings.

Thursday 24 October 2013

A love Haiti relationship

Today as I brainstormed on what I should blog about, I stumbled across my old Africa blog. As I looked through my past posts and pictures I realized how much I truly miss it. Then I realized that there is another country that has a big chunk of my heart. Anybody who knows me is well aware that Haiti is probably my favorite place on the planet.

I remember in Fall of 2011 when my good friend Andrew informed of this Haiti trip happening in January and how he was set on going. I had wanted to travel for a while and so this was a great opportunity to go to a country that had recently been rocked by a terrible earthquake.

The second I signed on I never looked back. I was fully in. I spent the rest of the semester getting extremely excited for this weeklong mission trip. January rolled around. My whole room, plus a few of my good friends, and some people who became close friends from this trip were all going. So stoked. We boarded that plane and set off.

On arrival I was immediately thrown into a new world. The airport had almost no structure as most of it had been destroyed in the earthquake. We hopped into a bus and took off down the road towards our destination. I distinctly remember that there were not enough seats so Jess and I sat on the spare tire in the back.

Mission of Hope blew my mind away. The stuff they are able to do in the poorest country west of the Atlantic Ocean is unreal. An orphanage, a fully functioning school, a church, little businesses, food service and guest service all on one awesome hill. I honestly cannot describe the awesomeness that is that place unless you see it for yourself.

Highlights of year 1 in Haiti: My little guy Steve. One of the smallest physically but biggest emotional blessings in my life...if that makes sense. No clue where he is now, but I pray that God will work in that little genius' mind so that he can do awesome things. The other was definitely digging a trench in a village on the two year anniversary of the earthquake so a village could have access to fresh water. I mean the whole village emptied out of their homes to help us, we didn't even have enough shovels.

And my team that cool. Every single one of them blessed me in unimaginable ways.

my guy Steve. This sums up our relationship :)
The team.
That first bus ride
Life as a white guy in Haiti
Haiti year two...
As if I could only go once! HA.
The next year, a few of us had already decided to go again. Thankfully, our fearless and amazing leaders Scheps and Met wanted to do it again. This time the whole volleyball team was going. So enter in a whole new group of people going to the same place. This was going to be interesting, but I knew that everybody who was going was genuinely excited.
When we got to Haiti this time the airport had gotten a makeover. It looked so good. I was just completely overwhelmed at how much had gotten done in a year.
Back to MOH. They had also gotten a ton done in a year. Like, they were rocking it. Plans for new buildings and new concepts were being considered and acted on. The place was growing like crazy. To see the growth from exactly a year ago was a blessing by itself. This year, as a returning member I wanted to see how Haiti could tug at me differently from the first year.
Needless to say, I got tugged.
The second year I noticed more how others were being blessed by Haiti instead of just me. My team for the second year went through some great bonding moments culminating in a three hour testimony sharing on the roof overlooking the ocean. Three hours I will never ever forget.
Couldn't find Steve. Looked all week, no clue where he went. I hope he's okay and that God's working through him, after all he was the bee's knees.
Second year team on the King of the Roads
This is Haiti
My absolute favorite picture from this country
There is hope for these people. They love the Lord, they love each other. I've never seen a group of people that I want to be more like than them. I look forward every day to the next time I get to visit this country. 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Love is patient

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

Everyone knows this chapter of the Bible. It is repeated to us so many times in sermons or weddings. However, when you take a second and look at what these verses are saying, you realize how much of a challenge this is. Take the first one, love is patient. I don't know about you, but patience is not something I am naturally gifted with. People frustrate me. Things frustrate me. Life frustrates me.

And God says trust in my plan, I've got your back...just be patient.


How do you have patience when things aren't going the way you want them to? How can you just believe that God is going to work it out?

The answer is that we just do. We believe in a God that we cannot see. We believe in a God who is all powerful and is capable of doing everything imaginable. We as human beings, created in the image of our Lord are his children. Therefore, he has a plan for each of us. He's not going to leave us stranded, to do it all on our own. The key is that things happen in accordance to His plan, not ours. And as incredibly frustrating as that can be, it also provides a sense of peace because we do belong to ourselves, but to one God who will take care of each of us. Everyone is going to make a difference in this world, we just have to find the niche that God is calling us to. Some seem to find it before they can even walk, others, like myself, take a little bit longer to get it all together.

Patience, it's going to come together.

Since we believe in God's ultimate plan, we have to take each person, each situation and see the good in it. Every person is placed in our life for a reason, they will impact us somehow. Right now, I see God placing people in my life to teach me patience. I have a lot going on. I'm involved in a bunch of different things at my school and there's just always some people who drive me up a wall. However, I am trying my best each day to see the good that these people have to bring to the table. Give everybody a shot, maybe even a second chance....let's be real, God gives us more chances to do things right than any of us could ever deserve.

It's flipping tough. I struggle every day. But we should all strive to keep our tempers in check, to smile and be polite even when you just want to throw something. Take away positive interactions and experiences and in this way, we can all hopefully be more well rounded in how we handle our lives and see that patience is indeed a virtue that we should all strive for.

"How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience would have achieved success." Elbert Hubbard

"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else." George Savile

"Patience---learn you must!" Yoda


Tuesday 8 October 2013

Do we mean it?

Sometimes when friends of mine annoy me, I might tell them "I'm gonna kill you" or "I'm going to beat the snot out of you" or something along those lines. Obviously, I don't mean what I'm saying, it's just an expression. But what if everything was just an expression? We never actually did what we said we were going to do...what would the world look like then?

I want to believe that people are genuine in everything that they do, but as I examine myself and look at my own life, I see so many times when I didn't follow through, or I faked my way through something, I didn't give it my all, or I let someone down because of my own selfish desires. Do we mean what we say?

I'm posing that question, because most of the people who will read this post are Christians and I bet at some point in each of our lives we struggled with that awful "lukewarm" feeling. Going through the motions but never believing it or following through on a deeper level than just the surface. Are we the same person at church as we are on a Friday night? I know I'm not sometimes.

That's scary on a whole other level. The world holds Christians to certain standards and I'm not saying we have to focus on where the world views us, but how can we disciple to others if we aren't even genuine in our own lives.

This is where I'm at in my walk with God. I want to be that person that God has in store for me. I don't want to be a faker. I also want to believe that all of my friends and family want the same things for their own lives. I think it's huge to take a step back and analyze where each of us are at. Are we faking it? Do we really mean it as we lift our hands in worship or bow our heads to pray? I hope so, but sometimes, I just don't know.

To quote a song that so many of us know, "What do I stand for? What do I stand for, most nights I don't know anymore."

I know what I stand for. Maybe the issue is I don't know how to show it. Maybe I'm too nervous to show it. Maybe I need help showing it. But I want to mean it when I show it.

Do you?

Thursday 3 October 2013

Who let the dogs out?

Everyone knows this classic song. I'm pretty sure I like 8 years old when this catchy tune came out. My cousins and I would sing this song all the time when we saw dogs in the street or on a walk and we would yell yippie yi yo. However, one thing always bothered me, and I'm sure that I am not alone in wondering this: So who actually let the dogs out?

The music video for this song starts with dogs actually getting let out of a cage, but the scene quickly switches over to more of a party atmosphere. Now, so many of today's songs are about partying and that whole life, I want to believe that the dogs in this song are actually dogs and not some sick metaphor. Let's all keep our childhoods intact yea?

So we have now established that real dogs did get out, but we are no closer to finding out who released these pups.

Now, as an avid dog lover I would say that if I walked past a cage full of dogs I would be sorely tempted to release them. No dogs deserve to be locked up. I mean, if you make eye contact with them you are so done for. Who can resist puppy eyes?

This is my old dog Mr. Bojangles. When he would look at me, I would do basically anything for him. So if he wanted out of the cage, I could be snuggled up under a blanket, sipping hot cider and watching a movie and I would still go get up and get him out.

 So honestly, I could totally see most of the human population releasing these dogs. However, I do not believe that is the intended meaning of this song that the Baha Men so easily made famous. I have another theory.

These dogs, although we have agreed they are real dogs, I think they stand for something. I think each dog is this crazy feeling, idea, emotion or something inside of each person that everybody can choose to release. This may be obscure but honestly, I think that each person has, is, or will be letting the dogs out. Let those puppies run free and live life to the fullest. Make each of those released dogs count! I want to let the dogs out right now. I will probably keep a few for myself because I love dogs and I really want a Siberian Husky so if I ever see one of those loose, I'm snatching it up, but I want to release the dogs.

I think we should all release the dogs. The Baha Men have it right in a way. Get crazy, have some fun, make memories, don't be afraid to let your awesome ideas fly loose and see where they go.

So in answer to the question, I think everybody let the dogs out.